Activate Your Truth and Power

Wake up Aquarius, it's your time!

How was last week for you?

Did you feel wired and tired, being pulled in multiple directions and generally feeling frazzled?

If so you are not alone.

We have a lot of planets in Air sign Aquarius, and with the Sun moving into Aquarius today for the next month, this energy will just intensify.

Watch this 22 min video to know more about some practical strategies to help you get through this week of big energy.


Tomorrow, Jan 20th 2021, we have Mars, planet of Action, meeting with Uranus planet of revolutionary and unpredictable change.

In this climate of 'anything is possible', remember to hold the highest vision for yourself and your life and humanity.

Aquarius, it's your time!

The Sun joins the Aquarius party that started when Jupiter/Saturn entered this sign back in Dec of 2020.

This next month builds up to some pretty big transits in February, designed to shake us out of old dying patterns and awaken us to do something radically inspiring with our lives.

If you have planets/angles/nodes in Aquarius that are being activated by these transits, or even Leo/Scorpio/Taurus, then you are on the forefront of change.

You might be feeling the call within to explore what is next for you, as humanity enters a brand new chapter in its evolutionary history.

Aquarius, the sign, shows us radically different possibilities than we have been used to up till now.

It inspires us to step out of our current paradigm and along with Uranus in Taurus, vision a world that honors the uniqueness of every person while at the same time honoring this beautiful earth we live in.

If you are

  • feeling a deep desire to step into your purpose in way that is meaningful to you


  • you want to navigate these changing chaotic times with intention and grace, I invite you to check out my Power of Balance program.

Designed specifically for these times of big transits, to help you awaken your unique gifts in a big way, Power of Balance gifts you with tools for life.

Reach out to me to schedule a FREE Clarity Call to see if this program is what will serve you best HERE.

Past Posts by Month:



Walk this new moon with intention!


Powerful time to take action