
Hello Brilliant One!

Welcome to Activate Your Truth and Power!

I’m Swati Kameswar, a Visionary Coach helping individuals like you going through mid-life awakening to embody your highest expression so that you can live with authenticity and joy.

Through my courses, creative workshops and coaching programs, I help you to go beyond doubt and fear, perceive new possibilities, awaken your unique hidden skills, refresh your image of yourself, and curate a path to your highest expression.

So you can reconnect with a sense of freedom and aliveness in your life and career once again!

I’m also a former engineer of 20 years and have been through multiple different transitions in my life and career. I now coach engineers in the corporate world to transform burnout into passion and reconnect with joy in their life and career.

I acknowledge and deeply respect your courage and desire to live an authentic life that honors your unique gifts. I’m passionate about helping you to see that it is possible to create your life with intention and experience fulfillment when you are no longer hiding parts of yourself but are expressing the uniqueness within you with joy!

Mid-life phase is a key turning point

Do you feel a deep longing for authenticity?

I work with folks between the ages of 30-60 who are going through mid-life transitions in their career or life and are longing to express authentically and to be seen and heard.

They have a deep desire for change, to live a life with more meaning, purpose and creative expression and freedom.

They have reached a place of stagnation in their life and are wondering: what comes beyond this? They may not know what lies ahead and so they feel stuck. This is where I come in.

The mid life phase is a key time for awakening life purpose, embracing hidden or new talents and moving away from the old path or integrating your new gifts with the old in a seamless way.

In other words, the mid-life phase is a transformational time.

My mid-life awakening journey started with 2 questions that just popped into my mind one night and wouldn’t let go. I was in a pretty good place in my life and engineering career. At that point, I had checked off many items on my life’s todo list but didn’t feel content. Instead, I was noticing deep sadness, an underlying melancholy that seemed to be always there. This contradiction between what I was feeling and where I was in my life, gave my pause.

These questions woke me up:

  • What was I born to do in this life beyond my roles, career and titles?
  • What if I reach the end of my life, and I hadn’t done what I was born to do, despite the success I had achieved?

That actually worried me a lot. I took these questions seriously. I’d felt deep down for years that I had a calling. Those 2 questions just confirmed that. I knew that my true talents and potential were not coming through in my career at the time and I was feeling inauthentic. That I was doing what I was ‘supposed to’ but not the real thing.

But what was the real thing? I didn’t know at that time. Perhaps you can relate?

Journey of self-exploration results in deep transformation

That is when I went on a journey of self-exploration that lasted many years.

I was 38 at the time. I found out that yes, I was bang in the middle of mid-life planetary transits also commonly known as midlife crisis.

And so, during that phase, I went through big transformation.

I learned that the mid-life phase was a key time of awakening of our true life purpose. How we navigate this time is key to setting up the rest of our life.

Hidden talents come forth!

Along the way I trained and developed expertise in new areas like neuro-science based coaching to create deep positive transformation, astrology that gave me a cosmic perspective of the transitional periods in a person’s life, sound techniques to activate authentic voice, Intentional Creativity to consciously create the future and also awakened the artist within me!

This phase rekindled my creativity in a big way, awakened my unique brilliance and reconnected me to greater aliveness and joy.

As a result, I transformed my profession from computer engineer/manager to a Visionary Coach, awakening hidden talents within me.

Transformation requires courage

The transformational process requires courage to go into the unknown, weed out limiting beliefs and stories and enable a higher vision and expression. This journey has been most exhilarating and fulfilling!

Do not be afraid of change. You have within you hidden strengths and skills that are just waiting to sprout into expression and bless the world. A new part of you is being awakened. Will you answer the call?

Commit to a life of conscious creation and life will transform you and in front of you and align you with your highest path.

You can consciously curate your life and integrate all aspects of you coherently.

It is my absolute joy and passion to guide folks like you during the mid life years, hold space for big transformation and reconnect you to a sense of aliveness & purpose so you can set up the next phase of your life for joyful success!

My gifts and services support you to step into Your Highest Self

Awaken cosmic perspective about your life purpose: Your birth chart holds big clues to your life’s purpose, hidden strengths and the key time periods that create initiation experiences. Embodiment of your natal chart allows you to clear old sabotaging patterns that prevent growth and step into your highest potential. My skills of teaching and breaking down complex concepts into simple to understand ways allows you to understand your own natal chart intimately. Astrology Natal Chart reading helps with this.

Hold space for your big transformation: Learning to see beyond what’s on the surface is deeply needed to navigate transitional times in our life. I help you to access a crystal clear vision of highest possibilities even if you may be going through tough planetary transits that equate big change. I hold a space filled with deep compassion, kindness, love and non-judgment (key values of mine) so you can move through change intentionally. 1:1 coaching program Power of Balance helps with this.

Dream your vision to reality
: Patience and commitment is needed to bring an aligned dream to practical form. In our work together I help you to seamlessly move between Vision/Dream to Practical/Grounded steps. 1:1 coaching program Power of Balance helps with this.

Transform the old to new: My ear for language and sound help me to spot sabotaging blocks which may be limiting your growth into a new area. Transforming this helps to bring hidden skills to light. Courses Choosing Freedom and The Gift of Your Authentic Voice help with this.

Integrate all of YOU: Heal the fragmentation between left brain, right brain and heart so that all your varied, unique and creative skills function in harmony and coherence. Go beyond traditional roles, titles and the old path that was set in front of you to to walk a new path in fun, playful and creative ways. My wildly popular Creative Workshops help with this.

Embrace unconventionality and the courage to live authentically: Become a brave trailblazer of new paths with consistent courage to go into the unknown. Be comfortable in your own uniqueness that then inspires others to honor their authentic skills. Sign up for the free gift 3 keys that reveal your highest expression or Cosmic Conversations and Creativity to explore more.

In our work together we will

Transform the old story run by the voice of inner critic, judgment, fear and doubt that can limit your growth. Integrate left brain, right brain and heart. Awaken access to your authentic voice, hidden strengths and skills.

Vision new possibilities for your path ahead. Courage to walk a new path. Reclaim self-expression.

Curate your highest path with practical, grounded strategies to build a life aligned with your authentic truth.

I do this through Visionary Coaching methods that include cutting-edge transformational tools like neuro-science based coaching and Intentional Creativity processes to consciously curate your authentic voice and self.

Working with me you will experience

  • Strong sense of WHO you are: Embodiment of your Highest Self
  • Access to a strong, loving, confident voice within.
  • Strong relationships with others which are harmonious, loving & supportive because you are seen and heard for your authentic truth.
  • Elevate your default mental and emotional state, consistently feeling fulfillment, contentment & deep peace
  • Access an expansive vision that integrates your hidden strengths & skills
  • Feel fully expressed because your unique talents & skills have awakened and are flourishing
  • Tap into the vast potential of your future self through access to innate creativity.
  • Clarity on the highest, joyful path ahead. Confidence to build a new future based on this aligned vision.
  • Freedom in your heart and mind! Sovereignty to live life on your terms!
  • Reconnect with a sense of Aliveness!

I’m deeply passionate about helping you to align with your highest joyful expression. The more human beings living their highest path, directly relates to more joy and peace on beautiful planet Earth we call home at this moment in time.

When I’m not coaching or teaching, I love to spend quiet time in nature, travel to beautiful national parks and monuments with my family and tend to my garden.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Click here to work with me

Education & certifications:

  • Intentional Creativity Teacher in Training (MUSEA and Intentional Creativity Foundation, Shiloh Sophia, 2023)
  • Elohim Sound Healing Practitioner (Dominique Oyston & Trina Joy Lucas, 2022)
  • Awakening the Divine Feminine Within Facilitator (Lisa Michaels, Natural Rhythms, 2021)
  • Sacred Depths Certified Coach (Applied Depth Institute, Joanna Lindenbaum, 2020)
  • Astrology Certification (David Palmer, The Leo King, 2018-2020). Also studied with the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (2015-2021)
  • Engineering Manager, 2012-2021
  • Master of Science in Computer Engineering (University of Minnesota, 2001)