Activate Your Truth and Power

Sacred Timings with Swati - The gift of all planets direct

Energy is super amplified right now (Jan 29th 11am Central, M flare and elevated proton levels), so thought to write this.

A few days ago, this came through in my writing when I connected with my Muse (inner guidance from Higher Self).

"Sovereignty applies to all aspects of life. Thoughts, emotions, words, conversations, actions. What degrades your life force energy? Be sovereign in what thoughts you choose to have." .text-lg

There was more to the message, but the key idea here is that paying attention to your life force energy use, and what degrades it is important at this point.

As all planets have turned direct, we will see the effect of this show up as things moving quickly ahead (when all conditions are met for the movement).

So it's even more important to be conscious and intentional with how you are using your life force energy.

And this includes your thoughts, words, emotions, actions.

Even though this is something I practice quite a bit in my life, I have been extra intentional with ‘choosing sovereign thoughts' and that is helping me to become aware immediately when my thoughts go down a path that is bound to waste mental energy, stir up unwanted emotional energy and ultimately impact my capacity to take positive action.

It takes discipline and practice! But, it's not only making me aware more quickly, but I’m able to drop the negative thoughts immediately and refocus.

I've noticed when there are jumps in the quality of light (through solar activity like flares, geostorms, elevated proton levels, or when all planets are direct, and particularly with Uranus transits), this affects our consciousness and how our body responds.

Mental activity can get heightened, emotions may get triggered more easily and the body looks to old ways of being comforted because it is dealing with a lot!

This is where soul growth happens; our ability to assimilate this light is key to our ascension.


The Gift of an All-Planet Direct period is:

  • Forward momentum and
  • Expansion of possibilities and of your vision!

And to utilize these gifts, we need to have FOCUS, so that we can direct this beautiful energy to building a path to our vision, rather than getting derailed by the intensity.

The other part of the message that came though from my Muse was 'Neutrality is the most effective tool to practice at this time'.

I have so much to say about this practice (emotional clearing is a foundation for sustainable practice of this tool), but the key thing here is that instead of being in space of judgment, develop the capacity to be neutral.

I find that thoughts are often a starting point for creating a reality, and to consciously direct thoughts is a powerful practice, as they influence the rest of the creation.

This includes when to choose be in a thought-free state (that aids neutrality) which is becoming easier for me as I practice more.

Our ability to consciously create every moment of our life is being amplified and the next 2 months are ripe to ride this momentum.

To utilize this gift effectively, continue to hone your focus on the things you want to create, looking for solutions to move towards the new rather than rehashing the old.

A couple of practices I've been using everyday for a while now are:

  • Choose a focus words or phrase that indicates what you desire to create. Stop negative thoughts the moment you become aware of them and replace with the focus word or phrase, repeat like a mantra.
  • Choose to focus on the sunlight emanating from your heart. Drop into the heart, visualizing sunlight there. This is very effective when I want to go into a thought free state. The focus on the heart multiple times a day starts to help you operate from the heart and be in touch with soul/source desires rather than replaying old mind loops and egoic desires.
  • Simplify, minimize distractions
  • Move your body. Breath of Fire is supporting me a lot right now, but any form of movement is good as the body tries to keep up with the influx of light.

May the next few months propel you to your highest path with ease, grace & joy!

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A resource I recommend working with is the 12 Paths to Impeccable Personal Power.


Past Posts by Month:



Sacred Timings with Swati - Preparing for all planets direct


Sacred Timings with Swati - Pluto, Aquarius, Karma Clearing