Activate Your Truth and Power

Let's talk about first loves!

I'm referring to Planetary First loves of course: )

It was the summer of 2015 that I first came across Inanna's story, about her descent into the underworld and back, going through much transformation and a death & rebirth process. This is a story of empowerment.

At the same time, I also learned that this story was modeled by the ancients on the planet Venus' 19-month synodic cycle. Her journey around the Sun.

It was intriguing to say the least.

For reasons unknown to me then, I was very drawn to this story and worked with it for that 19 month cycle.

Special thanks to Kyrona and Cayelin Castell(Venus Alchemy), through whom I became aware of this dynamic.

While I followed my heart & intuition a 100% here, astrology being totally new to me, I couldn't have fathomed then how deeply this choice would change my life.

You see, that summer, August of 2015, Venus went Rx in Leo and started a brand new cycle emphasizing the Leo overtone.

That means that the entire 19-month cycle would emphasize the qualities of Leo, the biggest essence being radical radiant self-love!

That means during her descent we would face the blocks to self-love, and during her ascent, embody that quality more and more.

Not only that, I was going to turn 40 towards the end of the 19 month cycle so it was a deeply personal one for me, a Venus return.

Turns out I was born with natal overtone of Leo. I only found out about it at the end of the cycle.

But that entire 19 month period was filled with deep transformation, and the biggest learning from it was the unshakeable embodiment of Self Love!

I actually signed up for a course called Self Love Mastery by Rikka Zimmerman, all the while not knowing yet how perfect these choices were for what I was to learn.

To summarize that Leo cycle:

  • I faced my deep dark unresolved emotions head on, through consistent emotional clearing that cleared an incredible amount of blockages to self-love
  • I learned to honor my emotions and value the safe & non-judgmental expression of them without harming others
  • I got in touch with joy and passion again
  • I learned to honor my deep desires of authentic self expression and created a safe space for myself to explore new skills
  • I learned to walk courageously into the unknown, having a 100% faith in myself and the divine
  • I really felt the fierce strength and love of the divine feminine
  • I learned to hold space for other's big emotions

Venus in astrology represents the divine feminine qualities within each of us. Needless to say, she was there all along, holding me in fierce love & strength as I purged all that was untrue, so I could love myself again.

Th greatest gift of this cycle was the recognition & embodiment of unshakeable self-love and formed a strong foundation of my transformational journey from that point on.

I worked with every Venus cycle after then.

Using Intentional Creativity, accessing the higher gifts became not only possible, but the process of transformation became filled with joy!


Creativity came back in full force.

Sharing here 2 paintings I created to honor the gifts I received, from the Venus Aries cycle and Venus Libra Cycle.

Venus is once again in her Leo cycle currently, from Aug 2023 through March 2025.

Giving us plenty of opportunities to acknowledge, honor and embody self-love, without which it is hard to see the divinity within self and others.


Past Posts by Month:



Sacred Timings with Swati: Creating from Wholeness


Sacred Timings with Swati: Experiencing rebirth