Activate Your Truth and Power

How authentic do you dare to be?

As we move closer to the much-hyped eclipse on Apr 8 and transits beyond, you may find that a lot of facades fall away in your life as well as in the environment around you.

"Authenticity" seems to be the word of the year and for good reason.

And... it takes real courage to walk a path that is true to YOU.

Even to figure out what is the true you, takes self-awareness and willingness to change long held ingrained patterns of responding to the world.

A lot of structures that held the old reality in place are being tested by the new light and as we move through April, more will be revealed in your own life and in those you interact with.

Stay centered and calm as you move through this.

Try not to get attached to any situation, recognizing that a lot of what is false to you and your highest path will naturally fall away.

Spend as much time in nature as you can, to ground this very electric energy.

It's ok if you don't have clarity now.

The energy is shifting so rapidly that it can be hard to discern what is the aligned path for you.

Give yourself permission to not know.

Continue to simplify your life so you can feel in your heart what is true for you, who is matching your new vibration and what path to choose going ahead.

April gives us opportunities to uplevel perception

Mercury Rx during eclipse season in the sign of Aries can feel very fiery and fire being an element of transformation, you can utilize this period to transform your perception in order to perceive the new reality that has already formed.

You can also use the energy of eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis to see what is reflected in relationships (Libra) to learn about what forms part of your identity, who are you (Aries).

  • How do you communicate with others, and how do others communicate with you?
  • Who is on your vibrational level at this point?
  • How authentic do you dare to be? This is probably a key question to ask yourself as we move through this next eclipse.

Its no coincidence that Venus in Aries meets the Moon at the Earth Star chakra on Sunday, Apr 7th, a day before the eclipse, signifying her entry into the underworld, where she will undergo metamorphosis in the next 3 months.

Being in the Leo overtone this 19month cycle, this means allowing the falseness in the personality to burn away so that the real light is seen.

You will likely find that you may need to make changes in how you relate to others.

Reclaiming your sovereignty & personal power is part of this, but also being willing to perceive the REAL you!

Allow the old self that has run its course to fall away and be open to new desires, priorities and values emerging.

New practices

I LOVE Mercury Rx period.

For me personally it has always been a time to receive new messages from an updated perspective and feel, really feel and exercise all my senses and particularly the heart, to sense new possibilities that are not visible yet.

Here are some messages I received during recent meditations & visions that I am putting into practice to enable my body to absorb this new energy.


  • **Breathe in the crystalline plasma. **Take conscious breaths and acknowledge the plasma that is surrounding us in every moment now. Allow the crystalline nature of this plasma to reveal your own crystalline nature. When things feel contracted in your reality, remember you have access to this plasma simply by breathing in consciously.
  • **Allow the fragrance of the roses and their harmonics to transform your reality. **The climbing rose that graces the front of my home is blooming exuberantly and as I take in their clean, clear fragrance, I'm reminded to feel the harmonics of the fragrance of the rose, take deep breaths into the lungs and allow these new crystalline harmonics to repair anything in the body that feels contracted.


May you be able to move through this time with ease and grace, and may your authentic self be revealed in joy.

Warm Regards,


Past Posts by Month:



Sacred Timings with Swati - Traversing the Tunnel of Transformation


Eclipse tips to keep in heart