Created and led by Swati Kameswar
Going through mid-life awakening? Longing to express in a way that makes you feel alive & authentic?
Tired of expressing through a facade, a Self that no longer feels like the true YOU?
Have a deep desire to finally be seen & heard for your authentic self? Craving to live your Soul Purpose?
In The Gift of Your Authentic Voice, we will transmute the wound that blocks your authentic self, into joyful higher expression!
This course is for you if you are:
- Going through a transition in your life that requires you to release old habits/routines/patterns and step into a new role or expression. Career transitions, relationship changes or midlife-awakening.
- Wanting to up level your communication with your children, spouse, loved ones, colleagues and other relationships
- Feeling burnt out in your current career but don’t have clarity on what is next
- An entrepreneur who wants to stand in your uniqueness boldly
- Ready to stop feeling invisible
- An introvert who has a LOT to say and share but hesitate
- Ready to resolve sabotaging patterns like the inner critic, self doubt, judgement, fear, control, guilt because you recognize that these patterns are negatively impacting your relationships and how you show up in life
- Wanting to elevate how you communicate verbally and express creatively
- Frustrated that the busy-ness of life gets in the way of exploring creative expression
- Going through the discomfort of Saturn/Pluto/Chiron transits, recognize that this is a key transit that shapes the rest of your life and would like to work with it consciously
After our 8 weeks together, you will walk away with a transformational toolkit to:
- Stop communicating from the karmic wound that diminishes your highest expression
- Understanding the karmic patterns of Chiron/Saturn/Pluto in your natal chart and how they impact verbal and creative expression
- Strategies to clear and resolve these patterns that block your authentic truth
- Raise your vibration and that of those around you!
- Activate impeccable communication so it is loving, confident, strong, joyful
- Communicate effectively, be seen and heard for the truth of what You stand for
- Hone and own your own uniqueness and express that courageously, unapologetically with joy!
- Uplevel your communication with your self, loved ones and all relationships!
- Free up your expression so that your higher soul purpose can come through with joyful ease, reconnecting you to a sense of aliveness!
- Articulate whats in your heart with love, finally be able to trust the voice of your heart, a key skill for navigating Ascension energies!
- Reclaim your birthright to express your deepest authentic self
Why is this so key at this point in time? Our Soul purpose is directly linked to how we express. When we feel free to express authentically, it leads to feeling joy and aliveness! Many of us come in with karmic wounds that block our highest authentic expression thereby blocking our soul purpose. In my experience, working with the wound to reveal our gifts requires courage and compassion. And a strong commitment to up leveling our default expression.
What has your soul come to express? Is that expression coming through in your day to day life? Through your relationships, career, personal life? Where is that expression blocked? How does that make you feel? What would shift in your life if that expression got closer to the authentic you?
Course Curriculum:
Powerful curriculum with videos, audios, exercises, creative prompts, pdf handouts on the following topics:
- Module 1: Cosmic Importance of this time and relationship to Karma
- Module 2: Voice of the Wound. In-depth exploration of Chiron, Saturn, Pluto and the blocks resulting from them. How these unresolved patterns negatively impact relationships, career, expression
- Module 3: Wisdom of the Wound. The gifts revealed when the above blocks are transmuted.
- Module 4: Transmuting the wound. Techniques to clear the blocks and old unhealthy patterns.
- Module 5: The Gift of Your Authentic Voice. Your higher expression.
- Module 6: Elemental Expression. Practical strategies for creating your new expression.
- Module 7: Live Intentional Creativity workshop to release the old and activate higher expression, the voice of your heart and soul.
- Group Coaching calls
In this 8-week course, you will learn to dissolve the wounds and reconnect with the joy of authentic soul expression.
The processes we will follow in the Intentional Creativity workshop and the rest of the course, can spark major change, by alchemizing the hurt, disillusionment, anger & frustration around feeling that the voice is not strong enough or relevant.
Get ready to ride the edge of discomfort around expression and come through on the other side with a strong, kind, clear & confident voice! The voice of your Higher Expression!
Benefits of this path
- Ability to stay centered no matter what is going on externally.
- Develop emotional resilience.
- Feel deep peace.
- Feel unshakeable confidence in yourself
- Reclaim time!
- Cut out the false stuff in your life.
- Simplify life and align with what is important for you.
- Use the time reclaimed for your passions.
- Discover your passions.
- Value yourself greatly.
- Express the passion that is coming through.
When: Mid-summer 2023. Sign up for the newsletter to stay updated on when the next round begins.
What: A powerful curriculum in 6 modules, released weekly via email and class dashboard. Three 90-min Group Coaching Calls where course-related personal questions are answered. Printable module reviews and handouts to support heart-based progress and integration. One live 4-hr Intentional Creativity workshop to heal the fragmentation of the wound and activate the voice of the heart and soul.
Where: Group sessions & the Intentional Creativity® workshop will take place virtually over Skype. Skype link will be emailed on registration & payment.
Materials: For workshop as well as creative processes in course work: 2 16×20 canvases, acrylic paints in 4-5 different colors, paint brushes, spray bottle, Sharpies, journal and pen.
Join the waitlist by signing up for the newsletter for updates!
Have questions about the course? Email [email protected]
No astrology or painting experience needed. Please note that the course does not include a Natal Chart reading or counseling via email. For a personalized Natal Chart reading, click here.
Client Love
Meet your guide
I AM Swati Kameswar, a Transformational Coach helping women and men going through mid-life awakening to embody their highest expression so they can live with authenticity and joy.
This course is the result of my own journey through healing the wounds around communication and expression.
Expression Matters. Our life force energy is connected to expression. When I AM expressed, I feel happy, joyful, generous, ALIVE! For me, not expressing who I am on a daily basis is the equivalent of death. Death of the Spirit within me.
When I started to really give my own expression respect and need to express space in my life, my life began to change. No amount of success compensates for spending our days not doing the things that express us.
Honoring our sacred expression leads to a life filled with joy, aliveness, purpose & presence. I look forward to going on this journey with you!