Working with the elements is a big part of my personal medicine and I do a lot of that in my astrology work as well.
In last nights Aries new moon call, we used the Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle deck. The cards that came up were: Play (water), Letting go (fire) and Transformation (fire).
While Play might seem at odds with what we are seeing unfold in the world right now and the consequences that we have to deal with, this quality of the water element teaches us just how much out of balance we can become without this very essential aspect of life.
Fire is also asking us to look deep within at what we need to let go off, and what needs to transform at this time. All the Aries energy is calling us to action.
But I feel the first action step we are being called to, is a review of our entire life: Are we living in accordance with our values & if not, what needs to be let go of and transformed so we can live in alignment with our deepest values. Remember, one the biggest transits this year is the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. The shadow of Capricorn is coming up to be transformed. That includes our structures, finances, health, body, anything physical, but also our do do do attitude and cultural focus only on productivity and usefulness over relationships.
Water comes in here with the Play card asking us to let go of rigidity by infusing play into our lives where we are forced to pause.
You can access the recording of the call HERE.
In the Free PDF 20 steps to navigating the life-changing astrology of 2020 I de-mystify the Astrology of 2020 and give you practical steps to take to move throughout the year with grace and ease. If you are going through a lot of change, this offering will act as a guiding light to transform yourself and your life for the positive.
Excerpt from 20 steps to navigating the life-changing astrology of 2020:
Saturn and Pluto are within 8 degrees of each other for much of the year. These planets are working in tandem to help us reach our soul’s potential. Pluto is relentlessly bringing to an end what is not in integrity with our soul's essence. That which is old and outdated. As part of this, there is a lot of letting go and surrendering of what is not working for us, and bravely facing the fear and grief of things coming to an end. We are ourselves realizing what needs to end, or if we resist, the change is being made for us without our conscious consent.
Saturn then says, take responsibility for living your soul’s promise. There is finite time in your life on earth. Use your time and energy resources wisely, be disciplined, step up and do the work to build a strong foundation for the rest of your life. And it is helping us birth something new.
Although change is hard to accept sometimes, the great thing is that when we work with these transits in the way they are intended to, then we do reap the rewards of all this hard work!