Activate Your Truth and Power

What Belinda's Dream is Teaching Me:

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(Above: Belinda’s dream in my old garden, 2008.)

I want to share a celebration with you.

If you know me, you know that I love roses!

I’ve spent a good 10 years growing antiques roses and learned a lot through them.

I realized that I have the patience to diligently try growing them, even though roses are rumored to be tough to grow, and have been very successful.

I love their fragrance and their sight and scent always lifts me up.

They were a friend during some of the toughest years of my life, especially when I had several miscarriages and would work endlessly in the garden to take my mind off the sadness and grief I was growing through.

They proved to be a loving friend during some of the most transformational years of my life.

So when we decided to leave that house and move to another place, I had to leave the roses behind. We tried to grow them in our new place. But try as we might, somehow they didn’t take off. At that time I had started to go through major Pluto transits. At one point, the thought occurred to me that the state of my garden mirrored my inner state (I have lot to say on this topic and I’ll share some other time).

And just like patterns and habits and interests and other old emotions were dying inside me, the outer state reflected that and that it was not time to grow outwardly yet.

But about 1.5 years back, I went to Natural Gardener, a beautiful store in Austin, where I found a climbing version of Belinda’s dream, one of my favorite roses. I love roses, but I love climbing roses even more! And I just had to buy it! So I did and planted it in a different spot than the other roses.

This was back in Oct 2018. Just when Venus started her new cycle in the sign of Libra.

I nurtured this rose throughout 2019, watering it, fertilizing it, singing to it (yes, I sing to my plants ;)) and giving it charged water ;). And it grew and grew. It didn’t flower though. It was not time yet. I trusted it would, when it was time.

And now finally this week, **as Mars has crossed my natal Mars and I’m completing a big cycle of sorts, and Venus ends her Libra journey **by meeting the moon at the crown chakra tonight, this rose climber bloomed! A huge gorgeous pink bloom! (Applause!).



What this is showing me:

  • I still have the patience to grow roses
  • Like roses we all need the perfect place to bloom, ample warmth of fire and love of water
  • There is such a thing as Organic Timing and Nature has its own cycle, which cannot be rushed. Just like there are cycles of death and rebirth in Nature, so there are similar cycles in our own lives. When we are in the winter of our life (like Pluto transits), growth won’t be visible. We are called to nurture ourselves during this time, just as our present day state which the virus is allowing us to see.
  • And just like in Nature, winter does end and Spring does come, and flowers do bloom magnificently!

PS: If you are in a winter cycle of your life, an astrological chart reading can give much clarity on how to nurture yourself and get the gift of the transit. My sale on readings continues with $100 for full natal chart and $50 for Solar return mini-readings. Connect with me here.

Past Posts by Month:



Aries New Moon call replay


What's in store for us this week?