The week starts off with Mars squaring Jupiter (Capricorn) and Mercury Rx in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus.
I pulled a couple of cards for Earth (Capricorn and Taurus) and Water (Scorpio) because we are really feeling all our emotions right now.
The intent I held while pulling the cards was guidance on our emotions (Water) as well as what steps (Earth) to take next.
What came up was 'Relationship to Self' and 'Embody Wholeness'.
This is the 2nd week in a row that the Relationship to Self card has appeared.This means we are to look deeper into this aspect of how we relate to our self.
Embody Wholeness tells me to honor all parts of myself, the good, the bad, the ugly and the downright ugly 🙂
What am I not accepting about myself?
What parts of me am I rejecting and judging (Capricorn) as not good enough (Taurus).
This directly has a relationship to my own self (Aries), and this is what Mercury in Scorpio is trying to dig up and bring to our awareness.
As you start a fresh week, pay attention to insights on how you view your own self, and how you can begin the process of lovingly accepting all of you.
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