Activate Your Truth and Power

Power Portal Alert!

We are entering a continuous period of transits that are bringing in cosmic energy to help rewrite our realities.

Your conscious awareness and engagement will greatly help to move through this period with grace.

Yesterday Saturn stationed retrograde, we have the 1st of 2 eclipses (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26th) and the week ends with Venus conjunct Mercury followed by Mercury stationing retrograde.

What does all this mean?

Saturn Rx gives us a chance to pause and reflect and sift through our plans.

How do you feel about the expansion in your life so far since the start of the year?

We've had direct planets for more than 2 months and that kind of energy can put pressure on us to do more and more and achieve more.

So how are you feeling? Any judgement, dis-satisfaction? Or do you feel content?

We get a breather here write to our goals and achievements.

And get a chance to re-evaluate where our foundation needs bolstering and strengthening.

The Sun entered Gemini last week, amping the Gemini energy already being amplified with Mercury/Venus and North Node there.

Sun will oppose the Sag moon on Tuesday, and this is no ordinary Sagittarius Full Moon, but a Lunar Eclipse, where the moon will pass through the shadow of the Earth.

The Sag full moon lunar eclipse is an opportunity to learn from the past and decide once and for all, what you are leaving behind and what you are taking ahead with you into the rest of the year and your life.

A South Node eclipse (Moon is with the South Node) meaning that it has karmic implications, is giving us a chance to complete karmic lessons and move forward.

But, it's a personal choice how you want to engage with it.

You are invited to choose, to learn from the past, but not get lost in it.

Learn from the past, but start to focus on the present to create your future.

Mercury Rx in Gemini, again emphasizing the importance of the Gemini energy is inviting us to clean up our mental state so that we can create our reality from a place of crystal-clear clarity.


A key month is ahead of us. Saturn in Aquarius reminds us that we are responsible for creating our future.

Sagittarius Full Moon helps us to free ourselves from the limiting structures of the past.

The 4-week period between the Full Moon and Gemini New moon/Solstice is like a void.

Be very conscious of what you are creating through your thoughts, words and actions and feelings.

Amplify the future reality you want, and let the old that has run its course fall away.

Remember, the universe is benevolent.

But it is a personal choice on how you want to engage with it.

Wishing you a beautiful moon!

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Trickster energy


Are you feeling like a new person?