Activate Your Truth and Power

Staying Stable During Unstable Times

I felt a very odd energy the past few days and felt ungrounded often through the day. I then realized, that Jupiter is approaching Pluto for the 1st time on Apr 4th.

They will meet twice again this year (2nd time is on June 30th when both are retrograde) and the 3rd time at the same point as the Saturn Pluto conjunction point (Nov 12th) -- this is NOT a coincidence. We are being given multiple opportunities to clean up our act. Pluto is deep transformation and inevitable change, Jupiter is the principle of expansion. So deep change is being magnified.

As I thought of this transit coming up, I had the image flash in my mind of a deep spiral taking us into the dark, inwards inwards inwards, at top speed.

With all the physical distancing, we are no longer marinating in collective energy and our own energy systems are getting a chance to heal & balance. We are getting a chance to really feel what our own energy feels like.

As the days go by, we will feel the Pluto aspects of the transit magnify due to Jupiter.

This is taking us inwards like never before.** We are really meant to use this time to look deep inside and see what needs to be let go of in our lives. Do not squander this opportunity to review your life in a big way! A natal chart or transit reading is an excellent way to prepare for the year ahead, and can give much clarity during times of change. Connect with me here for a reading (sale prices are still valid!).**

As we head into the next few days, Jupiter meets Pluto & Mars squares Uranus on the Libra full moon, the volatile energy can bring up anxiety and tension. **Ground regularly everyday **.

Remember, the shadow (hidden or negative aspects that we are suppressing) is more easily obvious during these times, when Pluto is activated. The reason I share all this information is so that we can be aware of the energies, work with them to transform the shadow, and own our inner power!

For sure we are going to feel all sorts of emotions being dug up, that is what Pluto does. It brutally strips away anything and everything that is false. And it's really important to pay attention to the grief, sadness, anger, guilt, fear, disappointment that comes up. Allow it a safe way to be expressed & clear it. Techniques like EFT, Tapping, toning, intuitive painting, dancing it out can all help. And then sit with yourself to see what comes next. Mind you, this is not like a light switch--you can't just turn it off. You may have to repeat this process again and again, and that is OK. Be very kind & tender with yourself during this process.

Especially now, It's really important to clear the old before we rush to build the new.

Bring back balance using your personal astrology:

This is also an ideal time to see what you need personally to bring yourself back into balance.

To help facilitate this, I'm inviting you to a FREE class where I talk about how you can bring back balance into your life at this time, using your personal astrology.

I will share what I cover in my Power of Balance coaching program and you will walk away with 5 specific steps you can start doing immediately to bring you back to center every single day.

Likely you are getting bombarded with many many resources now and I don’t want to add to the noise and overwhelm you. We will keep this short about 30-40 mins with a chance for you to ask questions.

Join me on Monday April 6th on Zoom (for link, sign up to newsletter).

Join the FREE Activate Your Power community on Facebook :

The final videos of the Saturn Pluto conjunction are posted in the Facebook Group and talk about why it's so important to do our inner review work now, because Jupiter meets Saturn at the end of the year & will magnify the structures you build this year.

There is also a slide for what area it will impact you personally, based on each Zodiac sign, so you can look up for your own chart.

This final video has a creative ritual/exercise which is perfect for this weekend as moon goes into Earth sign Virgo. This exercise will help you release (Pluto) and set intention to build (Saturn) so when Jupiter meets Saturn, you are magnifying what you really want!

Past Posts by Month:



What's in store for us this week?


How well do you know yourself, asks the Libra Full moon